How do we become free?

Brian Cordova
3 min readJun 9, 2021

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became free.

Chapter. 1 Mentality

Who am I?

Our understanding of the world is just the culmination of everyone else around us. In a way, your thought isn’t your thought. Thought-ception.

We are walking mirrors or parrots imitating what we’ve seen or experienced.

If you want to see a creepy thought experiment of what would happen if a child could only socialize with their parents check out the movie, Vivarium.

Okay, so our thoughts aren’t our own, does it even matter?

Yes and No.

It’s up to you to define the meaning of each thought and action in your own life. This is where the balance of self-confidence and being self-aware come into play. Realist vs Dreamer. Optimistic vs Pessimistic. Logic vs Illogical. By using these dichotomies of extremes you can narrow down the specific spectrums you want to use in order to communicate with yourself or others. I’m not you and you aren’t me. The right answer is the one that speaks to YOU.

What does that even mean? Speak to me? Well, your innate thoughts. That means don’t think. What? Yes, I’m telling you to use your monkey brain. You already know what you like and what your interests are. Think of it as simply remembering what you like.

You ever open up Uber eats and see the giant list of food options. Then you scroll endlessly thru every restaurant menu thinking everything just looks good. But you keep scrolling looking at all the options. Debating…thinking…what would be the best option? 5 minutes of scrolling and reading every menu option before you remember you’re hungry. It’s crunch time, we know everything looks good…What the hell do we want?!

The problem with today is we have too much choice. Freedom of choice is actually smoke and mirror for no choice. This leads us into option paralysis not knowing what the next move is because we start to think what-ifs, creating parallel universes in our minds that could lead to different results. Evolutionary speaking, being pessimistic was probably passed down from a savvy human who used it to survive and procreate while one of the more adventurous types died checking out a cave. True yolo.

We no longer need the survival mindset. Luckily for us, our standard of living is significantly better than our nomadic ancestors and if you’re reading this, well, you have everything you need to survive and succeed already. You just need to change your mindset from survival to abundance. It is realizing that all the social constructs surrounding you are only there because you allow them to be.

Is the reality you seek on your terms or an external one?

Ask yourself do you enjoy the pursuit of happiness or expressing joy?

The leap of faith for not giving a fuck truly starts when you realize that you’re the director of your movie. So what do you want to watch?

Follow for more content. Will continue to expand with future chapters. Comments and discussions welcomed.



Brian Cordova

Musician, Trader and Social Change Advocate. Using the arts as a means to reach others and address social issues we face today.